A Heartfelt Thank You: Gratitude for Family and God

September 2024

As I celebrate Sweet Myla 1st birthday, I find myself reflecting deeply on the journey that has brought me here. This past year has been a whirlwind of emotions, growth, and incredible blessings, and I feel it’s important to pause and express my gratitude—not just to our wonderful customers, but to those who have been my rock throughout this journey.

First and Foremost: Thanking God
Before anything else, I want to take a moment to thank God. Sweet Myla is more than just a business to me; it’s a testament to God’s grace, mercy, favor, guidance, and faithfulness. When I first embarked on this journey, it was in the midst of personal loss and grief. Candle-making became a form of therapy, a way to bring light into dark moments. Little did I know that God would turn that small spark into something so much greater.

Every candle I create is not just a product but a prayer, a reflection of God’s love and comfort. It’s my way of spreading the warmth and serenity that only He can provide. My prayer is that each Sweet Myla candle carries His light into your home, offering a gentle reminder that even in the darkest times, His love is ever-present.

A Special Thank You to My Family
I also want to extend my deepest thanks to my family—my husband, my kids, and my sister Nana.

To my Bubba: Thank you for believing in my dreams and standing by me through every challenge. Your unwavering support has been my anchor, and your faith in what I’m building has kept me going even on the toughest days. This journey has been challenging but oh so sweet, and I am forever grateful to have you by my side. Love you BIG!

To my children, Ali & Lorenzo: Thank you for your understanding, your hugs and kisses, and your endless love. I know there have been times when I’ve had to balance the demands of business with mommy life, and your grace and tenacity through it all has been nothing short of amazing. Sweet Myla is not just for me; it’s for you. My hope is to leave you with something meaningful—something that reflects our family’s love, values, and dedication. Every candle I pour, every product I create, is a small part of that legacy.

To My Sister, Nana: You were the reason I began making candles in the first place. In the midst of the tremendous loss we had just experienced, I wanted to help you find a way to cope. Candles became that source of peace for you, a way to see God’s presence in the creation of something beautiful. Through that process, you encountered Jesus in a profound way, and I will forever be grateful for that. Your support and help in those early days were invaluable. Even though you’ve since stepped back from the business, I want you to know how incredibly proud I am of you and how much I appreciate everything you did to help Sweet Myla take its first steps. I love you!

Building a Legacy of Love and Light
Sweet Myla was created not just as a business but as a legacy—a way to leave something meaningful for my little family and to spread the love of God to all those around us. Every candle we make is a prayer for comfort and peace, a smile for a special occasion, or a warm hug when life gets difficult. I want Sweet Myla to be a source of warmth and light in people’s lives, just as God’s love has been in mine.

This legacy isn’t just about the candles; it’s about the emotions they evoke—the joy, the peace, the serenity that comes from knowing you are loved and cared for. As we move into our second year, I’m filled with hope and excitement for what lies ahead. With God’s continued guidance and the unwavering support of my family and friends, I know Sweet Myla will continue to grow and touch lives in ways I can’t even begin to imagine. I am up for the challenge.

Thank you, God, for this incredible opportunity. And thank you to my family for being the heart and soul of Sweet Myla. Here’s to many more years of love, light, and sweet memories.

With all my love and gratitude,

Yadira Lopez

Founder of Sweet Myla, LLC

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