Collection: Support the Avengers U10 Travel Soccer Team

The Avengers U10 Travel Soccer Team is a special group of boys who have been playing together since they were just 6 and 7 years old. What began as a recreational team has grown into a dedicated travel team, all thanks to their commitment and the incredible support of their volunteer coaches, Kat and Leo. Coach Kat and Coach Leo have poured their hearts into these boys, helping them grow not only as players but as close-knit friends.

As the team prepares for their upcoming travel season, we’re asking for your support to help cover the costs. From September 13th to October 4th, you can contribute by purchasing one of our specially selected 16oz candles from Sweet Myla Candles. Each candle is $28, with $10 from every purchase going directly to the team.

Choose from these scents, each labeled with the team’s name:

  • Avengers Sweater Weather
  • Avengers Candy Apple
  • Avengers Sweet Espresso Dream
  • Avengers Vanilla Chai
  • Avengers Pumpkin Patch

Orders will be delivered or shipped by October 18th, just in time for fall.

By participating in this fundraiser, you’re not just buying a candle—you’re helping these boys chase their dreams and continue their journey together. Thank you for your support!

5 products